Your cell phone has 18x more bacteria than a public restroom.

Safe & Eco-Friendly

For use on all Lenses, LCD, Plasma, Glass Surfaces and Screen Protectors. Our technology is based on the cleaning power of the natural element, Carbon.


Compact size, no liquids, easy to use!


Nothing removes oily fingerprints, facial oil and dust better than CarbonKlean!

Long Life

Cannot dry out, unaffected by temperatures, never expires!

If there is one flaw in the late Steve Jobs’ vision of a post-PC era, it’s that the iPad and other tablet screens get disgusting and smeary after a few minutes’ use. Apart from retreating to styluses, which are anathema to modern tabletry, there’s nothing anybody can do about it. The human finger leaves a trail like a snail’s; that’s the way it is. And, as with spectacles, once you get obsessed with cleaning an iPad screen, it’s impossible for it to be too spotless – even though it’s a Sisyphean task, because as soon as you’ve degreased, you immediately start messing your screen up again.