Get The Most Out Of Your Sleep Schedule With Your Phone

Get The Most Out Of Your Sleep Schedule With Your Phone

Typically, you shouldn’t be playing on your phone in bed right before you are about to go to sleep. Why? Well, because your phone (that bright, bright screen) is not a stimulus for sleep. However, today we are about to jump to the other side of the argument, and explain how you can get the …Read More

Why Sleeping Next To Your Smartphone Is A Horrible Idea

If you are like so many other smartphone users, then you sleep next to your phone at night. Sure, this can be a good thing for a couple of different reasons, but today, and for the purposes of this article, we will be unleashing why you shouldn’t sleep next to your smartphone at night. In …Read More

Should You Sleep Next To Your Phone At Night?

If you are like so many other people on this planet (and it is 100 percent okay if you are), then you sleep next to your phone at night. You might do this because you use your phone as an alarm clock, or you might do this because you always have to have your phone …Read More